
Our latest news, guides and blogs
What is an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)?
October 2, 2023
Find out what an EDMS is, along with all the EDMS tools we offer at Storetec. Discover how to choose…
7 Benefits of a Document Management System (MDI Cloud Features)
September 19, 2023
Discover the benefits of using a document management system for your business, and how our MDI Cloud platform offers plenty…
Dental Records being analysed by a working practitioner
Dental Records: 7 Benefits of Digitally Scanning
September 13, 2023
Explore the advantages of dental records scanning. Learn how Storetec's solutions can streamline document management for dental practices
Digital Transformation: Academic Institutions, Museums & Libraries
August 29, 2023
Digital transformation has become a necessity for educational institutions. Discover how book scanning plays an essential role in this process.
Embrace the Digital Transformation: Enhance Efficiency and Security in Your Insurance Company with Document Scanning Solutions
August 22, 2023
Discover how document scanning enhances efficiency in insurance. Explore Storetec's solutions for streamlined document management.
Exposing the Hidden Costs of Onsite Document Archive Storage
August 11, 2023
We expose the hidden costs of keeping your business documents archived in filing cabinets and boxes. Discover the benefits to…
Embracing the Flexible Working Bill: Empowering a New Era of Work-Life Balance
August 8, 2023
Learn about the Flexible Working Bill and its implications. Explore how Storetec can help navigate changes in workplace policies.
Why Outsource Document Scanning? (The Top 6 Advantages)
August 1, 2023
Explore the advantages of outsourcing document scanning with Storetec. Discover how outsourcing can lead to better efficiency and cost cuts.
Storetec Services Ltd and Aurora Managed Services Join Forces to Provide Unmatched Document Management and Workplace Services
July 28, 2023
Discover enhanced services via our partnership with Aurora Managed Services for top-notch document management solutions.

Large cabinet

20,000 images

4 drawer cabinet

12,000 images

3 drawer cabinet

9,000 images

Archive box

1,800 images


Number of pages


100 images

Lever arch files

500 images

Large format


Aperture cards



Number of reels


Number of slides
