Search across all your data

Unlock the full potential of your data with MDI Cloud. Seamlessly search, access, and manage all your information in one place. Say goodbye to endless searches and disorganised files, and embrace a more efficient way to handle your data and documents.
Speak To an Expert
Find what you need instantly
Stay organised with cloud storage and advanced search. Locate keywords or phrases across digital or handwritten text.
Keep it confidential
Robust access controls, and retention management, support your commitment to data privacy and security.
Adapt and scale with ease
Pick the functionality you need. Start with the essentials and scale as you grow. Solid quality, without the steep price tag.

From hours to minutes...

A job that would probably take 3 or 4 hours to dig out all the records now takes 2 minutes.


Tackling Mixed Document Management Challenges

Juggling physical storage and digital platforms can lead to fragmented processes, decreased productivity, and heightened risks in data security and compliance.
MDI Cloud transitions your organisation from mixed document and content management to a secure digital space.
The Traditional Approach: Offsite Storage & On-Premise Solutions
  • Manual processes: Finding the right document takes hours or days.
  • Excessive retention and costs: Storing documents for longer than necessary, incurring needless expenses.
  • Growing storage fees: Costs escalate as your physical storage fees increase annually.
The Common Digital Misstep: Intranet and Business Systems
  • Lack of intuitive structure: Without proper setup, these systems can become as cluttered and confusing as a paper filing cabinet.
  • Continued data disarray: Critical documents remain buried under layers of unstructured data, making retrieval a time-consuming ordeal.

MDI Cloud simplifies complex processes and promotes responsible data management

MDI Cloud is built on a simple premise: our expert developers do the heavy lifting, so you don't have to. All the technical complexities are handled behind the scenes, allowing you to simply log in and get started.
Cloud Storage & Collaboration

Transform how you work today

Simplicity at its core: Easy to set up, easy to use. Get up and running without disrupting your day-to-day operations.

Collaboration made easy: Share, edit, and manage content collaboratively across your team in a secure environment.
Compliance & Security

Your information, securely managed and compliant

Tailored Access Controls: Keep your documents safe with customisable access settings that fit your organisation’s needs.

Compliance without complication: Automated retention, redaction, and straightforward version control make compliance a breeze.
AI Assisted Insights

Automated intelligence. Immediate document clarity

AI Assistant: Quick document analysis and smart insights. Summarising documents in seconds.

AI-Assisted Redaction: Sensitive information is identified and concealed, ensuring only what needs to be seen is seen.

“Probably the best at what they do in this space in the country…The document retrievability was very good”

Luke Daley, Siemens

Large cabinet

20,000 images

4 drawer cabinet

12,000 images

3 drawer cabinet

9,000 images

Archive box

1,800 images


Number of pages


100 images

Lever arch files

500 images

Large format


Aperture cards



Number of reels


Number of slides
