Automate Your Invoice Processing

Invoice processing is one of the most time consuming jobs in finance, but it doesn’t have to be. You can automate your accounts payable and other financial processes to give you time to focus on other activities.
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Increased efficiency and speed
Speed up invoice handling times by eliminating manual tasks and reducing approval bottlenecks
Cost savings
Allocate skilled resources more efficiently by freeing them from costly manual processes
Improved accuracy and compliance
Precise data capture and processing happens in real-time. Meaning you always have the most recent data to hand

From hours to minutes...

A job that would probably take 3 or 4 hours to dig out all the records now takes 2 minutes.


Integrate your physical and digital invoices into one process

Invoices come in all shapes, sizes and formats. We understand that not all of your suppliers are setup for automated invoices. MDI Cloud accounts for this.
colleague using MDI Cloud
Integrate with your ERP & accounting system
  • Pre-built API: Integrate your existing systems using our API.
  • Automatic Sync: Automatically sync invoices, suppliers and other data using our low code, drag and drop workflow.
Keying invoices is a thing of the past
  • Machine Learning: Our machine learning can capture, match and process invoices at header or line level.
  • AI Assisted: Our AI Assistant can capture, match and process data in an unstructured format. Meaning no need for a templated invoice format.

Streamline your invoice processing with MDI Cloud

MDI Cloud takes the hassle out of invoice processing by automating and streamlining every step of the process. From automated data capture to approvals, MDI Cloud ensures that your invoicing is accurate, efficient, and stress-free. Invoices are stored securely in MDI Cloud and can be easily located using the powerful global search functionality.
Automated Data Extraction

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)

Automated data entry: Extract data from unstructured or structured invoices such as invoice number or PO number.

Reduce errors: Improve data quality by reducing the risk of human error. Ensuring your data is accurate and consistent.
Automated Validation

Automatic Matching

Vendor matching: Validate against existing data such as vendor, PO number, line items and amounts.

Save time: Eliminate the need for manual entry and verification.
Automated Email Extraction

Automated Remittance Management

Automated routing: Incoming remittance are automatically routed to a dedicated folder, ensuring they are organised and accessible. 

Automated retention: Retention policies automatically store remittance documents for an agreed time period.

“Probably the best at what they do in this space in the country…The document retrievability was very good”

Luke Daley, Siemens

Large cabinet

20,000 images

4 drawer cabinet

12,000 images

3 drawer cabinet

9,000 images

Archive box

1,800 images


Number of pages


100 images

Lever arch files

500 images

Large format


Aperture cards



Number of reels


Number of slides
