Enterprise Solutions For SMEs

Are you struggling to find the right information quickly? With MDI Cloud, you can search across all your data instantly. No more digging through endless files and emails.
Speak To an Expert
Find what you need instantly
Locate keywords or phrases across digital or handwritten text
Enterprise technology
Gain access to powerful enterprise technology without the hefty price tag
Adapt and scale with ease
Start with the essentials and scale as you grow

From hours to minutes...

A job that would probably take 3 or 4 hours to dig out all the records now takes 2 minutes.


Accessing enterprise-level technology without breaking the bank

Securing enterprise-level technology has traditionally been a challenge for SMEs due to limited budgets and hefty setup fees.
For smaller businesses, this often means missing out on the advanced tools that larger enterprises benefit from.
Limited storage capacity
  • Data Overload: Are you struggling with the growing amount of data in your business?
  • High costs: Traditional storage solutions can be expensive, stretching already tight budgets.
  • Scalability issues: Limited storage capacity hampers the ability to scale operations smoothly.
Manual and inefficient processes
  • Time-consuming tasks: Manual processes take up valuable time that could be better spent on core business activities.
  • Human error: Reliance on manual processes increases the risk of errors, which can be costly and damage reputations.
  • Inconsistency: Lack of automation leads to inconsistent processes and delays, affecting productivity.

Affordable Enterprise Technology for SMEs

MDI Cloud changes the game by providing enterprise-level technology at a price that SMEs can afford. This ensures that even with a limited budget, SMEs can access powerful, scalable solutions that enhance efficiency and competitiveness, without the financial strain of traditional enterprise technologies.
Full Content Search

Effortlessly locate information

Simplicity at its best: With our intuitive full content search, finding the right data is quick and hassle-free. No more wasting time sifting through folders or emails.

Boost productivity: Instantly access the information you need, all in one place, enhancing your team's efficiency and enabling faster decision-making.
Email Integration

Seamless communication and data handling

Integrated workflows: Combine your email and document management. Send, receive and manage documents directly from MDI Cloud. No more attaching documents to emails.

Save time: Reduce the time spent switching between platforms, allowing you to focus on what matters most - growing your business. 
AI Assisted Insights

Document summarisation

Simplify your workflow: Our AI Assistant provides concise summaries of lengthy documents, saving you time and helping you focus on key points. 

Gain quick insights: Grasp essential information without reading through entire documents, allowing you to make informed decisions faster.

“Probably the best at what they do in this space in the country…The document retrievability was very good”

Luke Daley, Siemens

Large cabinet

20,000 images

4 drawer cabinet

12,000 images

3 drawer cabinet

9,000 images

Archive box

1,800 images


Number of pages


100 images

Lever arch files

500 images

Large format


Aperture cards



Number of reels


Number of slides
