NHS Trust Gains Easier Document Management

Medical Records Scanning & MDI Cloud

The Client

The client, an NHS Trust, had a crucial need for a digital corporate archive and a managed document retention system that aligned with the stringent requirements of GDPR and NHS Information Governance procedures. Their primary objective was to establish a system that not only facilitated the quick retrieval and viewing of documents but also ensured full compliance with regulatory standards. After careful consideration, the client selected Storetec due to our competitive pricing and our extensive track record in successfully managing large-scale scanning projects involving highly sensitive information.


What We Did

The project presented a significant undertaking as it required the comprehensive scanning of the client’s entire corporate records, which included many different types of documents including receipts, and thin, fragile, or damaged paper, categorised by various departments, including:

  • Estates & Facilities
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Corporate Affairs
  • Continuing Healthcare
  • Commissioning
  • Private Office
  • Clinical Quality & Medical Directorate
  • Patient Records
  • Unplanned Care
  • Public Health
  • Child Protection
  • Commercial Services
  • Communications & Engagements
  • IM&T (Information Management & Technology)
  • Offender Health
  • Program Office
  • Strategy & Planning

This diverse range of departments presented a substantial challenge, one that we approached with meticulous planning and execution. To ensure the project stayed on track and met the client’s strict deadlines, we decided to break down the medical record scanning and document scanning into departmental segments.

Upon completing the scanning process, we turned our attention to efficient document management. We indexed all scanned documents according to the client’s existing filing structure. These indexed documents were then securely uploaded into our cloud-based document and content management system, MDI Cloud. This proprietary system is renowned for its efficient document access and management. It allows authorised users to easily locate, view, print, and share documents using industry-leading OCR search technology, while maintaining strict access controls. Additionally, MDI Cloud streamlines document retention by automating the application of retention periods per database.

Once we successfully digitised the client’s extensive document archive, we established a structured monthly collection schedule. This ongoing service ensured that the client’s new documents were consistently scanned, digitised, and seamlessly integrated into MDI Cloud, maintaining a robust and efficient document management process.



Enhanced Accessibility

By digitising the entire corporate archive and implementing our cloud-based hosting system, MDI Cloud, we provided the NHS Trust with a highly accessible and user-friendly platform. This ensures quick and easy retrieval of documents, eliminating the need for time-consuming physical searches.

Regulatory Compliance and Security

Our solution aligns seamlessly with GDPR and NHS Information Governance procedures, ensuring that the NHS Trust remains compliant with the most stringent regulatory standards. Sensitive medical records and documents are stored securely in our cloud-based system, with robust security measures, strict access controls in place to safeguard confidentiality, encryption, and the ability to redact sensitive information. This compliance minimises the risk of data breaches and penalties.

Streamlined Document Management

The indexing and categorisation of documents within MDI Cloud simplify document management. Authorised users can efficiently locate, view, and share documents using advanced OCR search technology, reducing administrative overhead.

Automated Retention

MDI Cloud’s automation of retention periods per database ensures that the NHS Trust adheres to document retention policies effortlessly, reducing the burden of manual tracking and management.

Large cabinet

20,000 images

4 drawer cabinet

12,000 images

3 drawer cabinet

9,000 images

Archive box

1,800 images


Number of pages


100 images

Lever arch files

500 images

Large format


Aperture cards



Number of reels


Number of slides
