What is an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)?

October 2, 2023

What is an EDMS?

An Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) is a software-based system designed to efficiently store, organise, manage, and retrieve digital documents and files within an organisation. EDMS solutions are used to replace or work alongside traditional paper-based document storage and management methods.

EDMS is widely used across various industries and sectors, including healthcare, legal, finance, manufacturing, and government, to improve document management efficiently, reduce paper-based processes, enhance collaboration, ensure compliance, and streamline business operations. It offers a modern and digital approach to managing the vast amount of information and documents that organisations generate and rely on daily.

How to Choose an EDMS

Choosing the right EDMS is a significant investment in your organisation’s document management capabilities. Taking the time to thoroughly assess your needs and evaluate potential solutions will help ensure a successful implementation that aligns with your goals and objectives. Compare features, prioritise user-friendliness, review security and compliance measures, and assess scalability and integration capabilities. Test the system with a demo or trial and consider user feedback.

Document Control vs Document Management

Document Control primarily focuses on versioning, access control, and compliance, ensuring the accuracy and security of documents, especially in regulated industries.

Document Management is a broader concept that includes efficient storage, retrieval, collaboration, workflow automation, and integration, aiming to streamline document-related processes across an organisation. Document Control is a subset of Document Management, achieving specific control and compliance needs.

Cons of Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint and FreeDocs are both EDMS systems, but they have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the potential cons of Microsoft SharePoint compared to FreeDocs:

1. System Complexity

Microsoft SharePoint is a powerful platform with a range of features and capabilities. However, this can make it complex and challenging for users to navigate, especially for small to medium-sized businesses with limited IT resources.

FreeDocs, on the other hand, may offer a simpler and more user-friendly interface, making it easier for users to adopt and utilise.

2. Customisation and Flexibility

While SharePoint is highly customisable, achieving this often requires significant IT expertise and resources. Smaller organisations may find it challenging to tailor SharePoint to their exact needs without extensive technical support.

FreeDocs may offer more out-of-the-box solutions that are simpler to implement and may require fewer customisation efforts.

3. Integration Complexity

SharePoint integrates well with other Microsoft products and services, which can be an advantage for organisations already using the Microsoft ecosystem. However, for businesses using a mix of software tools from different providers, integrating SharePoint can be complex and may require additional third-party solutions.

FreeDocs may provide more straightforward integration options with various software tools, offering greater flexibility for businesses with diverse software environments.

4. Cost Considerations

SharePoint typically requires licensing fees, and the cost can vary depending on the specific features and user requirements. This can make it a costly choice for some organisations, particularly smaller ones with tight budgets.

FreeDocs offers more cost-effective solutions, with licenses based on business size, making it a more attractive option for organisations looking to manage documents without upfront expenses.

5. Support and Maintenance Costs

SharePoint may require ongoing support and maintenance, including updates, patches, and troubleshooting. These activities can added to the total cost of ownership.

FreeDocs is managed in-house by an internal software development team, and offers more straightforward support and maintenance, potentially reducing ongoing costs.

6. Scalability and Resource Demands

SharePoint can be resource-intensive, especially for larger organisations with extensive document storage needs. Ensuring optimal performance may require dedicated IT resources and infrastructure investments.

FreeDocs may be more scalable without demanding as many resources, making it a more suitable choice for organisations with limited IT capabilities or those seeking a scalable solution without substantial infrastructure investments.


In conclusion, Storetec offers a wide array of EDMS solutions to cater to the diverse needs of businesses across various industries. Whether you require advanced document control, seamless document management, or efficient workflow automation, Storetec has the solution for you.

One of our featured EDMS offerings is FreeDocs, a robust document management system designed to streamline your document-related processes and boost productivity. You can explore more about FreeDocs and its capabilities on our dedicated page: FreeDocs Cloud. Additionally, we provide Digital Mailroom Services to help you manage incoming mail and correspondence effectively. For data capture needs, our Data Capture Services offer accurate and efficient data extraction solutions.

With our comprehensive suite of services, Storetec is your trusted partner in achieving efficient, secure, and compliant document and data management.

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