How MDI Cloud Helped This Client Improve Their Workflow

MDI Cloud

Client Requirement

Our client was facing a significant challenge in their daily operations. They relied on paper-driven checklists and manual processes, which required the involvement of multiple staff members to complete tasks. This inefficiency resulted in a staggering 32 working hours per day across eight team members. Furthermore, the lack of a compliant audit trail posed a risk to regulatory compliance.


Why Storetec

The client selected Storetec as their trusted partner due to Storetec’s well-established reputation in the information management industry and their proven ability to understand complex processes and deliver tailored solutions. Storetec’s commitment was evident through the creation of a full proof of concept, showcasing their understanding of the client’s specific needs. With a client-centric approach, Storetec actively listened to and understood the challenges presented by the client’s paper-heavy and non-compliant processes, making them the ideal choice to transform these operations into efficient digital workflows, ultimately leading to significant improvements in efficiency and compliance for the client.


Our Solution

Storetec introduced a cutting-edge eform workflow solution to transform the client’s operations.

We began by thoroughly understanding the client’s existing processes, identifying pain points, and recognising opportunities for improvements. Storetec created a full proof of concept that addressed the client’s paper-heavy and non-compliant processes. This initial step was crucial in demonstrating the viability of our solution.

We implemented digital eforms within our proprietary document and content management system, MDI Cloud, to digitise the manual checklists and tasks. Staff members could now fill in digital eforms to complete their tasks, which were then routed in real-time to a supervisor for immediate sign-off. This reduced the daily workload from 32 hours with eight staff members, to just 4 hours handled by a single staff member. We automated the folder structure, dynamically categorising forms based on their status, such as “Forms in process”, “awaiting supervisor sign-off”, and “completed archived forms”.

Supervisors gained real-time visibility into eforms being completed, whether fully or partially, and by which user. This provided a complete audit trail, ensuring accountability and control

The eforms also served as triggers for further workflows, alerting relevant departments, particularly maintenance, to potential mechanical failures in real time. This proactive approach aimed to prevent further manual damage to critical business equipment, resulting in not only significant cost savings but also preventing costly downtime. It effectively initiated the development of preventative maintenance processes, ensuring the long-term reliability of essential equipment and minimising disruptions to operations.



The daily workload was reduced by a staggering 88%, from 32 hours to just 4 hours, leading to significant cost savings. The fully compliant audit trail ensured that all tasks and checklists were properly documented, reducing regulatory risks. Supervisors now had completed control and visibility into tasks, enabling prompt sign-offs and improved task monitoring. Real-time notifications in the maintenance process prevented manual damage to critical equipment, preventing downtime and additional costs. Completed forms were archived digitally, reducing the need for physical storage and enhancing data retrieval. The automated folder structures simplified data management and ensured forms were categorised correctly.

Large cabinet

20,000 images

4 drawer cabinet

12,000 images

3 drawer cabinet

9,000 images

Archive box

1,800 images


Number of pages


100 images

Lever arch files

500 images

Large format


Aperture cards



Number of reels


Number of slides
